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Exterior Painting Service


What We Do

  • An exterior paint service is a great way to quickly and dramatically improve the look of your home. There are many ways to do this, maybe a store, a fence, a building or a garage. Maybe you just need to paint the exterior trim like panel and window panels.

Exterior Painting

  • A fresh coat of facade paint not only preserves the great look of your building but also acts as a weather barrier. Rain, Sun, frost wind and all affect your facade painting job. Over time, the exterior color will begin to peel off, fade and flake. When this happens, and you ignore or leave the building materials unprotected from the elements, it just creates problems for your main home.

    Trust Cheap Home Exterior Painting service In Singapore for painting the exterior of the house! Our team of highly qualified facade painting professionals delivers the highest quality results, so you end up with an end product that you can truly be proud of and that your neighbours will envy.

Our Best and Reliable Exterior Painting Service Process

  • Cheap Home Painting Service Singapore’s painters will accurately assess your project’s paint finished we won’t have wasted paint, save a small sample if you need more matched ones.

    We’ll leave you a color chart that you can keep in a safe place that will detail your color scheme should you ever need to touch up or repaint. It’s the little details that separate good artists from great artists, and we want to be the one you remember when you need us.

    Your project will benefit from our many years of experience in paint and finish. In addition to our direct supervision and hands-on project management, our dedicated and attentive to detail painters will work tirelessly to make sure we leave nothing behind but a flawless exterior finish for your home.

Need Help ?

Feel Free to call us - +65 64328493


There are many reasons that you have to consider when choosing the best paint company in Singapore. Read customer reviews to find the best company in your area. You also need to select the best paint products from these high-quality paint service companies.

Trust Home Painting Service Singapore for all your painting needs, we promise to go beyond your expectations. We use high-quality paints and are about your property and trust. Contact us and receive no obligation Quote!



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